Aboriginal Bling Blam!
By Ras Tree
April 2020
Well as fate would have it, the world is under the Covid-19 pandemic. All of our lives have been turned upside down in one way or another. We all face a new set of challenges before us. Beyond keeping my spirits and immunity up, I’ve been using my time to dive deep into my list of tasks. Some professional, some personal, some creative.
One of those vital tasks was to refurbish my website and learn more about website development and maintenance. Another was to add products and revisit my shopping page. With soo many anxieties and uncertanties, I looked at how I can assist in relieving some of the anguishes. I have added a new Stone Kit called the “Crystal Grounding Kit”. This kit is equipped and formulated to allow the user to center themselves, while finding serenity and clarity. This is a combination of stones, smudges and orgone. As a bonus, each kit is equiped w EMF stones for gridding and filtering. And I have an instuctional video as well. More information can be found in the “Store” tab and clicking on the Crystal Grounding Kit.
I have made a living by travelling to variuos shows and events across the country. But understandably, many of those shows will not happen this year due to the pandemic. With this unfortunate reality, I’ve had to realize that a lot of our conventional means of shopping ‘in-person’ is slowly giving away to online shopping. Times change and eventually, so do people. So im in the midst of recalibrating my business tactics and procedures. As I redevelop my site, one of my goals is to dispay as much of the magic, creatiity and customer synergy that I have experienced on my travels. So I am committing to weekly maintenance and monthly uploads of new jewelry items and products. Along with many other great features that the digital world has to offer. Including this newsletter.
Its been four long years of neglect on my website, and I cannot allow that to happen again. I am recommiting to the digital representation of my art and creativity. While I love interacting with each person who finds interest at my booth while set up at some event, I have to somehow capture that energy and offer it to the world wide web. Wish me luck…… I hope and pray that that this pandemic curve flattens and the world can heal in everyway possible. We have a bold new future ahead of us. Stay safe, remain considerate, we will all get thru this. Take care and Jah blesings!
Ras Tree
Owner, Aboriginal Bling Blam